The Client Details page offers comprehensive insights for managing, monitoring, and troubleshooting WiFi clients.
The information on the Client Details page is based on the latest status report. Online clients report every five minutes to the cloud. For offline clients, the last available connection status report is displayed. Pressing the refresh button updates the page with the most recent data.
This article is going to explain how to read and interpret the client details page from top to bottom:
Title & Time Period Selector:
The page title displays the client's name, whether custom, auto-detected, or the MAC address, in case no client name is available.
The SSID selector enables you to view network connection details specific to the selected SSID.
The time period selector allows you to view client details for the last day, week, or month. The page details will be updated according to the selected time frame.
The refresh button allows you to retrieve the latest reported data, ensuring recent insights into client activity and network performance.
- Status Widget: Indicates if the client is online or offline. A client is considered as offline if the last connection time stamp is older than 6 minutes.
- Client Widget: Provides essential client information such as name, MAC address, and device vendor, if available.
- OS Widget: Automatically detects and displays the client's operating system name and logo. A generic user icon is shown in case the OS could not be detected.
- Traffic Widget: Shows client traffic over the selected period, visually comparing it to total network traffic in a bar chart.
- Health Widget: Dynamically displays client health status, identifying potential issues like signal strength, channel utilization, and more. For details, please see this article.
Client Traffic Chart:
This chart visualizes client up- and download activity over the selected time frame. Network traffic can be overlaid for comparison by clicking on 'Download' and/or 'Upload' in the legend. When a graph element is activated, the corresponding legend entry changes its font color from gray to colorful.
Status Tab:
The client status tab displays dynamic information about the client's network details, including SSID, WiFi encryption type, VLAN tag, IP address, throttling limits, splash page authentication status, and traffic statistics over specified time periods. For details, please see this article.
Connectivity Tab:
The client connectivity tab displays detailed information about the client's connection to the Access Point, including client details (name, OS logo, encryption, capability), connection status (band, channel width, radio occupancy, channel utilization, and signal strength), and Access Point details (name, model, WiFi standard, and uplink speed). For details, please see this article.
Settings Tab:
The client settings tab allows configuration of client settings such as custom name, network access rules like splash page whitelisting, and SSID-specific client blocking.
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