- FEATURE: WiFi client page redesign
- FEATURE: WiFi client operating system detection
- FEATURE: WiFi client IPv4 address detection
- FEATURE: WiFi client encryption detection
- FEATURE: WiFi client channel utilization reporting
- FEATURE: WiFi client connection time reporting
- FEATURE: WiFi client page status, client, OS, traffic & health widget
- FEATURE: WiFi client status tab with IPv4, encryption, VLAN, splash page & throttling status
- FEATURE: WiFi client connectivity tab
- FEATURE: WiFi client table with OS, connected for, encryption, throttling & IPv4 address column
- FEATURE: Switch port isolation settings
- FEATURE: Switch port isolation status popover & port icon
- FEATURE: Switch port isolation assign to all / unassign from all action
- FEATURE: Switch port table view option 'traffic restriction' to highlight isolated port traffic flow
- FEATURE: account billing settings for payment methods
- FEATURE: account billing settings with billing address and invoices
- FEATURE: progress bar on create/delete SSID in large networks
- FEATURE: Access Point table view option 'port used/total'
- BUGFIX: warning about Access Point status 'channel width unsupported'
- BUGFIX: increase size of view options menu on mobile
- BUGFIX: client table header partially covered on mobile
- BUGFIX: Switch port details lacks refresh button on mobile
- BUGFIX: wrongly placed port icons on PS48 Switch
- BUGFIX: disable PoE schedule does not work when port icon is clicked on
- BUGFIX: PoE port schedule assigned by default when enabling PoE
- BUGFIX: text input filter not working in clone SSID popup
- BUGFIX: text input filter not working in clone network popup
- BUGFIX: network alerts details missing on page load
- BUGFIX: Access Point / Switch table visual artifacts
- BUGFIX: table search string removed on pressing refresh button
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