The Plasma Cloud console allows you to remotely monitor the usage of every single port on your Access Points and Switches.
Each port is represented by a symbol that can appear in different colors and with or without an icon on it. Following, we will briefly explain the meaning of each port color and icon used in our console:
A port with default configuration (link and PoE enabled) is represented in black.
When PoE is disabled, the port will be colored in gray.
When PoE is drawn, the port will be colored in blue.
When the link is connected, two arrows appear in the middle of the port.
When the link is disabled, a circle with an x appears in the middle of the port.
When the link is blocked by STP, a circle with a dash appears in the middle of the port.
When another port is mirrored, an eye icon appears in the middle of the port.
When a PoE schedule is assigned, a schedule icon appears in the middle of the port.
When the port is used as uplink, a yellow frame appears around it.
When port has been bundled up into a link aggregation group, a green, blue or purple frame appears around it.
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